# (decoded with TMPL 129) Number of Strings: (11 entries) 0: String ID Number: 1 String: 'Unable to open a new session.' 1: String ID Number: 2 String: 'An unknown command was received. The remote system may not be compatible with this system.' 2: String ID Number: 3 String: 'The remote system attempted to create a session with the same ID as an already open session. This indicates serious malfunction.' 3: String ID Number: 4 String: 'The remote system attempted to close a nonexistent session. This indicates serious malfunction.' 4: String ID Number: 5 String: 'The server is not responding.' 5: String ID Number: 6 String: 'Unable to access port.' 6: String ID Number: 7 String: 'Couldn't save settings file.' 7: String ID Number: 8 String: 'The modem does not seem to be responding. Please check your connections.' 8: String ID Number: 9 String: 'There was not enough memory to copy the selection to the clipboard; the data may have been deleted. A temporary file containing it will show up in the trash when you restart your computer so that you can recover the data if it was really important.' 9: String ID Number: 10 String: 'Unable to write data to the temporary clipboard file; data not copied. Your disk may be full.' 10: String ID Number: 11 String: 'Unable to create the temporary clipboard file; data not copied.'